Fiverr_LogoWhen I discovered this week’s Real Life Resource, I didn’t take it too seriously. It is called Fiverr. Fiverr is a global, online marketplace where people sell services starting at $5.  Just that simple. I was skeptical at first, thinking that the $5 price tag was just a tactic to lure me to a site where I’d actually end up having to spend $500. But I must say, I have been pleasantly surprised. You can find any and every type of service on Fiverr – from wacky singing telegrams to legit website design.

The process is pretty easy. You can search for “gigs” being offered by freelancers on the site (known as “sellers”), or you can commission a service and receive messages from those willing to do the work. You then order the gig, pay the fee, send the seller any necessary info, and voila! The work is delivered to your inbox in the agreed upon time frame. So, what if you don’t like the final product? This is where it gets tricky. Make sure you’re clear on whether revisions are included. The answer might very well be “no,” in which case you will be taking a risk, albeit a cheap one.


I have used Fivver mainly for graphic and web design needs. I have had a twitter background created, website glitches fixed, and even a ten-second animated video intro made – all for five bucks each! I can only think of one instance when I just didn’t like the work…but I just spent another $5 and found someone else. Still a win in my book, considering that the work would have cost me at least $50 bucks elsewhere.

A few other tips for using the site: If you find a gig that appeals to you, message the seller first explaining exactly what you want! This will give you a better idea if they are the right fit, and if it will really only cost $5. Speaking of cost, a lot of sellers offer add-ons for an additional fee. Add-ons will likely be things you could use, but didn’t think about it. Pay a few extra bucks and take advantage of this. Lastly, look for Top Rated Sellers. They tend to respond a lot more quickly and the quality of work is also better.


I don’t use Fiverr for everything. For more in-depth projects, I prefer Elance. More to come on that! But, if you find yourself saying “I just don’t have the time” or “I just don’t have the resources” for certain smaller projects, check out Fiverr and get it done!



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