


Monday Morning Move: See a Friend, Be a Friend

MondayThis week’s MMM is a little unconventional.  I’m coming to you live from my friend’s couch in Philly. That’s right…no exercise No work emails. No to-do list. Well, there is a to-do list, but I’ve decided to tackle it later today. Just my friend and I eating cereal and lazing around like two college kids. This was not how I planned to spend my Monday morning, especially since I’ve been out of town quite a bit lately. But, I decided to throw caution to the wind and drive down yesterday.

I’m not exactly the most spontaneous person on earth. If you’ve read this blog before, you know that I live by proper planning and productivity. If you asked my friends about my personality, they would probably tell you, “she’s a good listener. Great problem solver…but VERY protective of her time.” I’m not denying it. It is very hard for me to relax. I’m not even sure I actually knew how to just “be” until recently. I’ve gotten a lot better at it, but it’s still an uphill battle.

So, how did someone like me end up just chilling out at the start of the workweek? Spending time with my friend was simply of utmost importance. She recently suffered a loss, and if you’ve read the inaugural post on this site, you know that I know what that’s like. When bad things happen, you need support. A lot of support. And distractions. Well, Cinco de Mayo seemed like a good distraction. I got up early yesterday, did some housework, ran some errands, sent a few emails, then jumped on the NJ Turnpike. I guess you could say that counts as Sunday prep, considering that I’ll return home without feeling terribly behind. A few short hours later, the two of us, along with another friend, were walking the streets of Philadelphia and enjoying the nice weather. We laughed (a lot), ate whatever we wanted (so much for my healthy meal plan), and, well, celebrated Cinco de Mayo. You get the idea.

Here's where I would've added a fun photo of us, but my friend would kill me.
        Here’s where I would’ve added a fun photo of us, but my friend would kill me.

My initial plan was to leave as early as possible this morning, but I decided to give it a few more hours.  I thought I was here just to be a good friend, but as it turns out, I needed my friend too. No, I didn’t have the most productive MMM today, but sometimes human connection is more important than getting things done. Every once in a while, you have to forget your schedule (even if it means posting to your blog later than usual…sorry guys) and make time for the people you care about. As always, you can steal my MMM – schedule a little downtime, preferably with someone who’s a lot of fun!

Monday Morning Move: Outbox in Overdrive

EmailIn case you were wondering, I’m still utilizing exercise and clean eating to help jump-start my week. But for this week’s Monday Morning Move, I’ve moved on from health and wellness to the business side of things. Working in both the legal and start-up industries, I do a LOT of networking, actually more than I’d like to most weeks. It feels like someone is constantly shoving a business card in my hand while giving me that “what can you do for ME?” hard stare. Although I don’t always enjoy the schmoozing and laughing at jokes that aren’t funny, I recognize the importance of building an influential Rolodex over time.

I will not lie to you. Networking can be exhausting, and you may make only one worthwhile connection after standing in uncomfortable shoes for three hours. But, you never know how many other important people that one connection may introduce you to. Long story short, it doesn’t matter what your interests or goals are. Networking WILL produce opportunities. Most of my “wins” in life all started with someone I met via networking. Also, it is worth noting that a large number of my clients met me at networking events or were referred by people who met me at networking events.

So what does this have to do with my Monday Morning Move? I can’t possibly be networking at 7:00 AM…except I can, thanks to the almighty follow-up email. Email is one of the greatest things to ever happen to networking. It is a non-intrusive way to keep the conversation going and build on the initial encounter. I will admit – despite knowing all of the benefits, I do not always follow up with people in a timely fashion. With countless other action items on my to-do list daily and three email accounts that I can barely keep up with as it is, sometimes networking emails get pushed off the radar completely. This week, I decided to put my email outbox at the top of the list and get to drafting.

The result of last week's networking alone. Remember, Networking = Opportunities.
   The result of last week’s networking alone. Remember, Networking = Opportunities.

My networking event calendar was jam packed last week. This probably seems like the most logical reason why I chose follow-up email as this week’s MMM. Confession – my greatest motivation was actually the fact that it required very little Sunday prep. I was out of town again this past weekend, and by the time I got home, I had a one track mind: “Couch. Now.” Needless to say, I wasn’t really feeling some elaborate preparation for Monday morning. Thankfully, the only prep this MMM required was gathering all the business cards that I’ve collected recently and leaving them next to my computer. Done.

I was in bed by 10:00 PM once again, and this time slept a full  6 hours  (*fist pump*). This may seem awful for some, but if you know my sleep struggles,  you know it’s a win for me. This morning, I was in front of the computer bright and early. While I did not get all of the emails out as planned, I did make significant progress. I’ll take it. Remember – the MMM does not have to be done perfectly. It just has to be done. Now, I get to focus on this week’s tasks, knowing that next week’s big opportunity may already be in the works.

Here's to 6 hours of sleep.  (I love this kid)
                                              Here’s to 6 hours of sleep. (I love this kid)

If you’re thinking of sending some networking emails of your own, here are a few tips:

1. Email is not only good for follow-up networking. It also works for introducing yourself. Don’t hesitate to email someone you’ve never met. You’ll be surprised by how often you  get a response.

2. Studies show that people open the most email between 8:00 and 9:00 AM and 3:00 and 4:00 PM. So, make sure your message lands in their inbox early morning or mid-afternoon.

3. If it is impossible to send email at the ideal times listed above, draft the emails when you can and schedule delivery for later! Most email platforms have this functionality. For Outlook, see here. If you’re a Gmail user, check out Boomerang. Boomerang not only allows you to schedule an email to be sent later, but also will remind you if the email recipient has not responded after a specified time period.

4. Be intentional in your follow-up. In the email, indicate that you enjoyed meeting the person and make it clear why it’s beneficial to keep the conversation going. If it makes sense (and it almost always does, by the way), request an in-person meeting over coffee or lunch. Connect with them on LinkedIn, Twitter etc. The more they see your name pop up, the greater the probability that they will respond.

5. Store their contact information! There are a number of phone apps that can capture a photo of a business card and convert it to a contact. I’ve been using CardMunch for this purpose.

Feel free to steal my MMM and dust off those business cards you’ve collected over time.  Or, come up with your own MMM. Whatever you decide, just get started!

Real Life Resource: Fiverr

Fiverr_LogoWhen I discovered this week’s Real Life Resource, I didn’t take it too seriously. It is called Fiverr. Fiverr is a global, online marketplace where people sell services starting at $5.  Just that simple. I was skeptical at first, thinking that the $5 price tag was just a tactic to lure me to a site where I’d actually end up having to spend $500. But I must say, I have been pleasantly surprised. You can find any and every type of service on Fiverr – from wacky singing telegrams to legit website design.

The process is pretty easy. You can search for “gigs” being offered by freelancers on the site (known as “sellers”), or you can commission a service and receive messages from those willing to do the work. You then order the gig, pay the fee, send the seller any necessary info, and voila! The work is delivered to your inbox in the agreed upon time frame. So, what if you don’t like the final product? This is where it gets tricky. Make sure you’re clear on whether revisions are included. The answer might very well be “no,” in which case you will be taking a risk, albeit a cheap one.


I have used Fivver mainly for graphic and web design needs. I have had a twitter background created, website glitches fixed, and even a ten-second animated video intro made – all for five bucks each! I can only think of one instance when I just didn’t like the work…but I just spent another $5 and found someone else. Still a win in my book, considering that the work would have cost me at least $50 bucks elsewhere.

A few other tips for using the site: If you find a gig that appeals to you, message the seller first explaining exactly what you want! This will give you a better idea if they are the right fit, and if it will really only cost $5. Speaking of cost, a lot of sellers offer add-ons for an additional fee. Add-ons will likely be things you could use, but didn’t think about it. Pay a few extra bucks and take advantage of this. Lastly, look for Top Rated Sellers. They tend to respond a lot more quickly and the quality of work is also better.


I don’t use Fiverr for everything. For more in-depth projects, I prefer Elance. More to come on that! But, if you find yourself saying “I just don’t have the time” or “I just don’t have the resources” for certain smaller projects, check out Fiverr and get it done!

The Monday Morning Move: Eat Well!

MondayThe Monday Morning Move is back! Where did the last 7 days go? This week, I decided to continue on the health and wellness kick and tackle another one of my bad habits – skipping breakfast. I have never been a big breakfast person mainly because I’m rarely hungry first thing in the morning, and I’d rather use that time doing something else…like getting a few extra minutes of sleep. During my entire college career, I made it to the cafeteria before my first class probably three times. It just isn’t my thing. But, we all know how important the first meal of the day is. And I know I can’t keep up these workouts without it.

I chose to go with a smoothie, given its health benefits. Of course there are tons of different smoothie recipes out there, but the right one can 1. ensure you’re properly hydrated at the beginning of the day; 2. give you a number of nature’s bio-available vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants; 3. give you plenty of natural fiber; and 4. boost your immune system. This morning, I tried an oats smoothie (thanks for the recipe, Mom!). Once again, my prep started on Sunday. I was out of town this weekend. So, I focused on my MMM later than I would have liked. After fighting traffic for four hours, I had to pick up ingredients in the evening. THREE stores later (note to self: just go straight to Whole Foods for specialty items), I had everything I needed. Despite getting home later than expected, I still managed to get to bed by 10:00. Too bad I didn’t fall asleep for 90 minutes. And once again, I woke up 4 hours later. Ugh. On a positive note, I did manage to go back to sleep at some point.

This morning, I was a tad bit groggy and probably would have skipped the MMM if I didn’t have to write about it on the site. But I managed to drag myself to the kitchen and get it done. Success. I’ve been sipping this smoothie as I write this post. It seems like a chore, considering that I’m STILL not hungry…but I think I’ll stick with it. Clarity of mind and peak productivity both require a healthy lifestyle, which includes three balanced meals per day. Let’s see if I can keep it up.

 A tip – steel cut oats and organic milk are generally cheaper in the regular grocery store, but
hemp seeds will likely be nowhere in sight. Try a health food store.

If you’re interested, here’s the recipe I used:

  • 1 cup of steel cut oats (rich in B-vitamins, protein, calcium and fiber; low in sodium; helps eliminate fat from the body)
  • 1/2 cup of organic milk (contains higher concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants)
  • 1 tablespoon of hemp seeds (too many to list – contain all 9 essential amino acids, high amounts of fatty acids and fiber; help lower cholesterol and blood pressure)
  • 1 banana (great source of vitamin B6, potasssium, and  fiber; prevents cancer; improves digestive health)
  • A few berries (I chose strawberries, which are high in vitamin C; also contain antioxidants; prevent cancer; reduce inflammation)
  • A few nuts (Almonds for me – reduce heart attack risk; lower cholesterol; protect artery walls from damage; provide good brain function; alkalize the body)

*Even though the recipe didn’t call for it, I added a tablespoon of honey…because who doesn’t love honey? Plus, this natural sweetener prevents cancer, reduces ulcers and gastrointestinal disorders, kills bacteria, and regulates blood sugar. These are just a few of  its many benefits. Google it! 

A working breakfast...and yes, I'm drinking a smoothie out of a wine glass. Who says breakfast can't be fancy? A working breakfast…and yes, I’m drinking a smoothie out of a wine glass. Who says breakfast can’t be fancy?

In terms of taste, this smoothie is a win! The consistency left a a lot to be desired. I’m pretty sure a smoothie should actually be smooth. The culprit – steel cut oats…which I learned after the fact do not blend so well. Next time, I’ll try to process them ahead of time.

Don’t forget to tell me about your own Monday Monday Move in the comments section. Here’s to a purposeful week!