Freedcamp-iconAs you probably can tell by now, I’m all about staying on track in whatever I do. As I take on more and more projects, I’ve been looking for an efficient way to manage them all and keep myself on or ahead of schedule…which led me to my latest Real Life Resource: Freedcamp. Freedcamp is a free online project management platform that provides users with all the necessary tools to remain productive and efficient, including milestones, to-do lists, time tracking, and file storage. Don’t let the “free” label fool you. Freedcamp is robust, more robust, in fact, than some of the paid options out there.


The platform has a lot to offer, but some of  my favorite features are:

1. The ability to give several people access and full administrative rights to a project. So, if you’re working with a group, collaboration is seamless.

2. A dashboard which gives you a high-level view of all of your projects.

3. Email and SMS notifications which allow you to receive updates in real time. You can also reply directly from your email inbox.

4. A group “wall” where team members can post messages for everyone to see.


And guess what? It’s all secure with 256-bit encryption. If you’re someone who has a lot you want to accomplish but finds it difficult to stay organized, give Freedcamp a whirl and let me know what you think!


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